Friday, October 26, 2007

Goo update

Sorry there is no photo to accompany this. For those of you who know our beloved and cantankerous Goo, I am letting you know that he is diabetic and will be receiving insulin injections in the near future. He is featured in an earlier post after we got him shaved. He is 14, and had been "morbidly obese" (I heard that so often from the vets) until he was about 12 when he started losing weight. I thought he might have cancer, and the vet thought he was hypothyroid, but the blood results are in and he's diabetic. The treatment for me is a piece of cake and cats apparently don't even notice the injections if you feed them while you're doing it. So that is sort of good news, I guess! Considering everyone has been expecting his imminent demise for about 4 years, the old coot's doing pretty well. Hopefully his eating and subsequent poo levels will level out in a couple of months. Poor Mike, the stink has nearly driven him crazy. Dirty diapers smell like roses in comparison.

1 comment:

Beth said...

At first, I thought this was Goo's obituary. Thank goodness he'll be with us for a long time to come.