Tuesday, May 1, 2007


I took these pics today when I came to Munson after getting my Biology final exam postponed until Thursday. Nothing too eventfukl was going on, Jack was circumcised this morning and with the baby tylenol in his system he was just cashed out when I stopped by.

I got out of class a little early tonight so I could head over to the hospital. I got there and spent some time with my beautiful wife and son. This whole process, while even a few days old, is just amazing. I held him, rocked him and helped to change the gauze on his baby bits. When I left he was asleep, cashed out again on the tylenol.
Just a fantastic little guy. So amazing.
Words fail me.
But I want to point out the lovely Snoopy blanket he was sleeping so snugly in, it was given to him by his Aunt Beth.


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh...he is so little and cute. I love this set of photos.

Kelly said...

So adorable! I am so happy for you guys!

Beth said...

Thanks for mentioning that the Snoopy blanket was from me (Aunt Beth). Jack is sooooo precious that I didn't even notice the blanket until I read your comments.