Thursday, May 17, 2007

More from Mother's Day

I know that I have been a bit behind on the postings, so here are some from mothers day from this past Sunday. It was a day spent hanging out, keeping Jack from fussing or whatever so Debbie could sleep. Along with the sleep that my watching Jack gave her, she also got the Muppet Show on DVD. Man that stuff is pretty hilarious, and very adult in a way that a parent would get the deeper meaning of a joke.
The pics of Jack outside taking a walk around the block. He looks really smoove in that outfit, which is his cold outside outfit. He resembles the Mack! Cool as ice!
I do so like the picture of Toffee looking outside at Jack. Priceless.
Sorry that there are so few mothers day pics posted. I ended up taking 305 pictures that Sunday but they are all very similar, I use the high speed setting on my camera.
Pictures at 3 pics a second are made for slide shows, not blogs. So keep yer eyes peeled!

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