Sunday, May 20, 2007

Yesterday and Today

Here are a couple of pics of the Chief with Jack yesterday afternoon. Upon returning home from class I was informed of the epic mess Jack had created from milk. He had been changed into his orange Oshkosh outfit which looks great on him. He fell asleep and I handed him to Dad. The way Jack is holding his hand is pretty priceless so that makes these notable pictures to post.

And then these photos are from today. My folks were gonna leave ( I thought that they would have left while I was in class) but when I got home they were still here. Mom and Debbie had given Jack a bath and as I swooped him up they left to head home. These are pictures that Dad took of Mom and Jack. A counter, if you will, to the photos of Dad with JAck from eysterday.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Great photos, Mike! Jack is too cute for words.