Thursday, May 17, 2007

A tired man with his son...

I am sorry to have been so remiss in taking pictures and posting pictures of Jack over these past few days. I think that the mothers day photo that I posted(before I posted my other ones) was such a great pic that I thought it would stand alone.
Debbie's folks came up during the week, Jack was very fussy Monday so we wanted to get a hand just in case. During this time I didn't have the cameras too handy.
Well last night Debbie and her Mom went to the store to get some produce. I had Jack and was feeling rather tired out. This hasn't been due to a fussy baby robbing us of sleep. No. Y'see I have been staying up with him in his bassonet in the living room. Most nights I've been heading to bed around 3am. This is to keep Jack close by in case he needs me and to allow for Debbie to get a solid dose of sleep.
Now something else that has pushed me up later and later is signing up for WWE 24/7 an on demand service that has already proved to be so doggone cool that I can't help but stay up until 3am watching WCCW shows from 1982 or an NWA show from 1985. Fantastic stuff!!!
So yesterday is when these pics were taken place. I had Jack with me and I wanted to stretch my legs out. I am leaning on this strange thingy that was bought for Debbie to aid in her nursing. I leaned up on it, Jack fell asleep and then Debbie got home. She snapped some pics. The batch with me on the couch is from yesterday too, I was laying out and gave Jack some tummy time(during which he tried to rip out a tiny handful of my chest hair) and then some time looking up at the sunburst painting above the couch. I'll take a picture of the painting so you can all see what is proving to be something incredibly fascinating to young Jack.

Couple of asides here. My folks are coming up tomorrow, so there will be some new pics coming up of my side of the family. Dad hasn't seen Jack since the day he was born, mom hasn't seen him in two weeks. He is already so much different that I think they will be suprised.
Also this evening I surfed the Record Eagle page to see if his birth announcement had ran in the paper. I scanned and a name caught my eye. Seems that there was another Jackson Thomas born on April 1st!
So that is all for right now. I hope that these pics appease the hunger to see young Jack grow!
More to follow!

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