Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Hello Again....

I am at Munson, Debbie is staying here one more night and then she and Jack will be coming home.
So tomorrow he will be welcomed into our home, his home, for the very first time.
I left class and came here and held him, rocked him, learned how to swaddle him and how to change the dressing on his circumcision.
Jack is just adorable. I cannot even begin to fathom this whole process. Absolutely amazing.

Debbie is doing well, she is back on her feet and seems to be getting better every day. I am so impressed with her, so amazed at her strengh and ability. She is just an amazing woman and I am a very lucky guy.

There are more photos of Jack coming later tonight, some from yesterday and some from today. I will try to post them in order, just a little thing!

So check back often, and see our son.

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