Friday, May 11, 2007

Friday afternoon

Here are some fresh pictures from today. Another day all in all, Jack was up and occasionally fidgety but I guess that it to be expected.
Went to Borders and coveted all the promos they had in their listening kiosks. Old habits it would seem die hard.
Downloaded this "digital reissue" of a Kiln record from 1998. I have memories of listening to this during inventory at Wherehouse Records in late 1998. So when I think about it I've just bought a reissue of a disc by a band whose members I have known for over ten years, at least one of the band members.

But enough of that, here are some of the first photos of our new family. Yes, I am wearing a Larry the Cable guy t-shirt.

I don't know where he learned the lyrics to Billy Idol's Cradle of Love...

1 comment:

Rosemary said...

Great pics, I like the first one and the one where Jack is halfway into a yawn. Hope you are doing well!