Friday, May 11, 2007

The Duke Ellington Radio Show

The Wednesday after Jack was born I celebrated by helping to take him home from the hospital. At 2pm that day I did my normal jazz radio shift at WNMC . Seeing as how Jack and Duke Ellington share the same birthday of April 29th I ended up playing 98% Duke Ellington tracks.
When I first listed these I didn't quite do it right and since I'm sitting here now nursing a tea and surfing in a different browser that allows linking I will put them back up.
I think that the audio is a little bit hissy at points but that is what happens when you live in a house wrapped in tinfoil. Seriously.
I hope that if you download these shows that you enjoy them. I didn't have a lot of time to prepare but I think that they came off well all in all.
So here you go.
Hour One
Hour Two
Hour Three

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