Sunday, April 29, 2007

The info...

Jackson Thomas Vincent, born 29 April 2007.
23 inches long, 10 lbs 7 ounces
born at 5.09pm today
He is doing well and even tho I am nervous all seems well!


Josh said...

Those are great pictures of the little guy! Congratulations! I hope that Debbie recovers well and that you are feeling as good as you oughta. I love you tons and him possibly more. JTV aka lil Vincent!

Oh My God! That's about all I can say!

MJ said...

Congratulations, guys!

mike stratton said...

Mike & Debbie,

Congratulations. What a miracle. I learned about the birth last night while still doing my radio show - a 3 hour opus for Andrew Hill. Seems appropriate, we lose one, but gain another.

Much love,

Mike Stratton

Jill said...

Nice work, you two! JT is gorgeous, if a little shy. Or maybe he just wanted to make a dramatic entrance. I'm soooo happy for you both and glad to hear that all are healthy and happy.

Kelly said...

Congratulations! Could you have a bigger baby next time?! Hope Debbie is recovering well. We can't wait to meet him!

Anonymous said...

Good job you two! Can't wait to see the little fella.