Friday, April 27, 2007

Our House...

Is very quiet right now.
Debbie is asleep on the couch.
The elctric cat water fountain is bubbling with the correct amout of water.
Toffee is asleep near the window, Goo is crammed into his spotty bed, Pierre is on top of the fridge and Nico is on Debbie's lap.
In the computer room there is the sound of a clock; in the guest bedroom you can hear birds outside.
There had been some slight rain, the intermittent drip coming from the roof, the rustling sounds rain makes.
That is all about to change.
I have things to do today, finals are coming up next week and I need to bust tail to really hammer home what is in my head.
But I also feel like I should drink this silence in and enjoy it as very soon the silence that I hear will be largely gone, replace by the hustle and bustle of family.

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