Friday, April 27, 2007

10.10pm EST

Laying here on the ground, watching the Fantastic Four on Cinemax HD(which we seem to have had for over a week...)
In 12 hours we will be at the hopital...exactly what is going on, well who knows.
Today we didn't do all that much. I ran errands and when I got home, we went for a nice long walk and went out for dinner.
Quiet. Uneventful. Calm.
Better to have a nice quiet day and evening before our lives change.
That sounds strong but there is really no other way to say it.

The house is relatively stocked up with goodies.
The house is clean.
The baby's room is ready and now all we have to do is actually go through this and have this baby.

Glad that today was pleasant, uneventful and mostly just quiet.

Oh, in a strange note, I have become obsessed with the song Illegal Alein by Genesis. Very silly and very wacky; I have come to the conclusion that Phil Collins, God bless him, possesses only one dance move.

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