Thursday, April 26, 2007

Me in the Triage room...

As we thought this was "it" we brought the camera that Dad got us for Christmas, a nice little Fuji that you can pocket. I've always wanted a smaller camera, my Nikons are great but all those lenses really add another layer that complicates the simplicity of taking pics.
Debbie wanted to look at the pictures that I had taken and when she was completed she took a few of me, in the corner, where I had sat on Monday during the intial stress test. We did have the same room in Triage tonight...

Here I am introducing a book I have been attempting to re-read of late, Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut. If you haven't seen the eulogy Fox News did for Vonnegut check it out....

She did manage to coax a smile out of me....

And here I am jotting down some thoughts and such...

Here are the words from that notebook I am seeing scribbling in:
"We're in Triage. The nurse's name is Lucretia. Going to get DLR more water and I'm struck by how peaceful a hospital is at night. Very quiet. Very empty. I suppose that is the way they are. When Josh was sick I think it was the same, when DLR was sick and I spent the day in hospital I remember it getting quiet at night. I admit to being surprised but I welcome the peace. I'll try to keep a snapshot of it in my mind for when we're..."

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