Friday, January 4, 2008

Yes we have got a video!

One of the things that I was interested in getting for Christmas was a Flip Video camera. If you havent seen them check out the Google and take a looksie. Basically you have a digital video camera the size of a Capri 100s cigarette box. Lightweight and portable, no this is not a commercial, merely a description.
I was interested in this camera for the same reason I wanted a pocket digital camera last year. I love my regular video cameras, both the DV and the HDV ones, but to be ale to bring something along that will allow to catch stuff as the mood fits was very appealing to me. And so I asked and I received. Here then is one of the videos that I shot this evening.
Thanks Santa!


.............. said...

I need to see that baby again sometime soon!!! He's too cute. Nice on-camera fart, btw. You should have blamed it on Jack. I sure hope you lit a match

Beth said...

I love you so much, Jack! As your Aunt Melissa said, "{You're} too cute." I need to see you again soon, too. Who schedules your play dates?

Unknown said...

Oh, Jack, you are the most adorable baby in the whole wide world!

I love the way he says "Hi, Da Da!" This is so precious. I'm so glad you share these moments on the blog. It makes me very happy to see Jack's smiling face and hear his voice.

Grandma Tish