Saturday, January 19, 2008

Grandpa in the Great White North

My Dad drove up for a quick trip, he left this morning, and it was a nice time to hang out, work on some babyproofing and just generally relax. And in relaxing we captured the fun on camera.

Whatever inappropriate thing Debbie must have said before this photo I obviously agreed!

Yes papa, phrenology is the wave of the future.

So you're telling me that both of my grandfathers are bald? And that means what again?


This is how you can feel after eating at the best kept secret in Traverse City.


Beth said...

My source (Jack's mom and my sister, Debbie) told me that Jack took four steps in a row to impress his Grandpa Fred. Aunts are allowed to brag.

Unknown said...

Jack took 4 steps! That is such exciting news. He is so strong and physcially precocious! And adorable!