Sunday, June 17, 2007

Aunt Kathy

The main reason for us to head south was due to bedroom painting; Jack's room was painted peach and orange from this kinda blue that made one think of milk. Vaguely bluish white, if you can imagine something gross like that. I finished up a few more bits of the job today as well as last night and the room looks amazing. I wonder which room is next? I think we could do the pink room as the window that points west would allow for a great color explosion with the rays of the setting sun.
We also returned because Debbie's oldest sister Kathy was coming up to spend the night with us, zipping up from Holland to see the boy and have a relaxing time at our place. The only drawback in my eyes was the fact that the house was as hot as a kiln due to the weather and six adult bodies in our home. But it managed to cool off a bit and it was a very pleasant time. Jack slept for his aunt and I think she was charmed by the little(ish) guy.
Since Jack was born Debbie's folks have been over quite a bit, which is great. Now from time to time they will refer to Debbie as Kathy. This is not alarming as when Mom went to law school she looked like she had been hit with pillows for nine hours before calling me Josh or worse Melissa. But Friday the deuce was talking with kathy and he called her DEBBIE! Were it not for the renaming of my wife over the past weeks I wouldn't have thought anything of this but as it was I thought it was funny.

(I couldn't place these photos so I lumped them into this post...)

1 comment:

.............. said...

aww I really like the one of Beth holding him, that's a sweet picture