Friday, August 3, 2007


Here we go, finally got class out of the way and got a block of time to post a plethora of our photos.
A little bit of backstory on some of these pics.
Jack was about to cry in these first photos, I grabbed the camera and snapped away and he had a nice face which I think captures just what is on a crying baby's mind.

The heat that I think we all experienced the other day didn't spare us and when I was in class Beth and Debbie took Jack out for his nightly walk. He is not, in fact, nude in these next photos, wearing only a diaper to make he walk more comfortable.

By Wednesday the heat was too much. Our house faces South, so we have sun beating down on the house all day. It also suffers from not the greatest air flow so we sit in this puddle of heat and it gets pretty nasty. When you wake up and the morning temp is 77 and the afternoon temp inside is 83 it ain't pretty.
That said the heat drove Jack, Debbie and Beth into a hotel to the night to ease the tossing and turning. I stayed in the sweatbox. These photos are from the halls, note the happy baby with the happy look on his face. Cool temps=happy baby

1 comment:

Beth said...

The photos of Debbie holding Jack are some of my favorites. Jack did enjoy his first stay in a hotel.