Sunday, August 26, 2007


Dad and his fishing buddy Bob came up as we left Lansing on the 19th. Every August they hit up the Sunset Valley Resort in Arcadia, a fine little place that I first stayed at in 2002 in the aftermath of our family's terrible summer.
In the past, when I had the bookstore job, I would take my week's worth of vacation and head up there to hang out, maybe get a little fishing done.
Well the weather wasn't great all week and a combination of a flat tire and possibly water gas led Dad and Bob to pull anchor and head downstate Saturday morning. Being that the room was paid thru Sunday we drove to Frankfort first, to pick up some food, before rolling down to Arcadia where we caught the sunset.
Sunday we packed up, took our time, and rolled out. I have a few more pics to post from the drive back, so stay posted.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Excellent father/son pictures.