Thursday, August 16, 2007


These pictures come from two weeks ago, when we were last in Lansing to bid farewell to my brother and his lady. Josh took a job in California and they left earlier this week. We went downstate to see him off and these pictures were taken on Sunday as we were leaving.

These photos are brazenly stolen from my friend Meg's blog site. When we were in Lansing she was in town as well. I worked with Meg for a long time, she is a good friend that I hadn't seen in almost two years. So after some hullabaloo on my part I touched base and she was on the MSU campus (which was burned yellow from all the sun and no rain). I walked up with Jack and we hung out for a bit. It was a very nice time, jawing and catching up. A littlemore time would have been great but what can you do? She took these pics of Jack and I, I took the one of her and Jack and she recently posted them.
Blog cross-pollination!

1 comment:

Beth said...

In the fifth picture down, Jack looks like a doll in his Winne-the-Pooh outfit. Literally, like a doll sold at a toy store. Mike, I like your Fatherhood t-shirt. Your friend, Meg, appears to have a drugging effect on Jack.