What is that they say? Plans change?
Saturday morning I woke up and went to class and at one point I checked my phone and saw a call from Debbie alerting me to a son that was feeling not that great. Stomach bug, or at least something that was whipping through him. So Debbie's folks were called and they decided not to come, in case his condition was contagious. It turned out to be a passing thing. But it never hurts to be careful.
On a side note, and on the plans change front, my sister is graduating from Wayne State next Saturday. A week later she is moving to lovely, mountainous Reno, Nevada, for a chance of scenery and a change of altitude. She came up with my Mom to see Jack one last time before she goes out West. She has said that Jack is the thing that she will miss the most.
Here are some of the photos from Saturday's gift opening.
Send me an e-mail on your new computer, Jack! You are the cutest baby. I can't believe you will be a year old tomorrow.
Dad should send you some of the HD video. The clips of Jack trying to pull up the paper while he's standing on it & Jack moving to sit on his new computer are absolutely hilarious
Vincent male plus remote control, plus laptop computer...my oh my...how normal is that. Adorable little guy, I wish I could be there to see that.
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