Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Lansing: For Min


.............. said...

well that's cute but I had no idea I sounded so obnoxious while I was doing it!!! Thanks for posting it!

Unknown said...

Melissa, you don't sound obnoxious. You sound excited to play with Jack and he is enjoying it. It looks like it was a good game.

How sweet! Jack is fantastic.

Grandma Tish

Beth said...

Melissa, Your mom is right. You don't sound the least bit obnoxious. Jack is clearly having a blast. He is going to miss his youngest aunt, but I wish you the best on your upcoming move.

Josh said...

Jack can travel westward to visit the biggest little city in the world and disney land. Uncle Josh thinks that is adorable stuff and Min, you do not sound obnoxious.