Sunday, April 27, 2008

Eatery Breakfast

This morning we rose and got ready for the day. Everyone was leaving town, heading home from the weekend. Dad had came up here on Thursday so he had been here for a good long time. I don't feel like I saw him all that much with my school schedule, same goes for Mom and Min.
Our plan was to goto the Organic Eatery (where we got a pizza from last night) for breakfast. And we did, loading up on a the usual fantastic breakfast. Here are some of the best pics from this festive morning.

So you lost is all by your twenties huh? Gives me some time at least...


.............. said...

a) Jack looks absolutely adorable in all of these pictures
b) That picture of you, Jack and Debbie is wonderful
c) I hate you for posting those pictures of me and because of that, I hope Pickles makes your veggie burger the next time you go to Burger King

Beth said...

I completely agree with Melissa on both a) and b). Melissa, you are beautiful. Wouldn't it be great if Jack had a sister who looked just like you? A minny Min...