Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Day Today

Moms came up to lend a hand as I needed observation time at a local school. She arrived Tuesday night and sighed a great sigh of relief due to our having beer and began to relax.
Now when I got home fro, school Wednesday Jack woke up and we bundled him up and went out to the Bay Bread store for a a bite to eat. I also got a chance to goto the Rasta party store, which I will take a photo of down the road and post.
These photos represent our trip to Bay Bread.

Now when we got home there was a package on the front step. It was addressed to me and as I opened it...well, take a look at the pics.

The package was a gift for Jack from his Uncle Josh. We got it out of the box and, ironically, had a great deal of trouble extracting it from the packaging it came in.


Josh said...

Here is hoping he likes them and they are safe!

realist said...

He LOVES them and they seem very safe. He plays with the little animals and farmer all day. A DVD with the characters was included and he loves that too.

Uncle Josh picked something wonderful for him.

Jack says, thank you, Uncle Josh!

Grandma Tish

Beth said...

Jack, your Uncle Josh has a knack for choosing great gifts. I noticed (from your feet) that you are wearing your pajamas under your sweater and pants. You look so cute!