Monday, April 28, 2008

The 2008 Duke Ellington Tribute Show

Last year we took Jack home from the hospital on May 2nd. A Wednesday. I couldn't get any shift coverage and so I went into the station and decided to turn my show into a tribute to Duke Ellington, who shares the birthday April 29th with Jack.
Last year I posted a link to the show for download. I am offering the same today.
Well I had my show this morning, I got home maybe 40 minutes ago. Over the past few weeks I have been bringing more Duke Ellington tunes into my collection. I even downloaded some stuff last night (that i didn't fully use) to make the show better.
I feel that I had a good show, a fun show. I thought that I would share it with anyone who wanted to download it.
Enjoy, feedback is always appreciated.
Hour One
Hour Two
Hour Three

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