Saturday, March 29, 2008

Lansing: Day Two

After a fitful night of sleep on both our parts Thursday started off slowly with a trip to Kroger for baby food and bottled water. From there we(Dad, Jack and I) to Dad's office. I hadn't been to his office since June of last year, you can see that visit by clicking here
Jack was adamant that he deliver this message himself.

How much did that one cost gampa?

After resting for a mid-morning spell we went to Noodles and Company with Mom for a meal that was insanely salty but oh so delicious.

And finally, there was plenty of good reasons to give Jack a bath Thursday night. But this is a family blog so I won't tell tales!

1 comment:

Beth said...

The bathtub photos are fabulous! Also, the one of Jack giving an adoring look to his Grandpa Fred.