Sunday, March 30, 2008

Lansing: Day Three

Friday we woke to SNOW~! Gah!!!! We survive months and months of snow up north we arrive, get a nice day and then bam. Snow. By dinnertime the snow was all gone, so I am glad that I got some photos of the scenery.

Before we left Mom got very adamant that Jack vacuum the floor, to instill the feeling of a job well done. He was a little overwhelmed by the machine and tried to vacuum up the beagle. Maybe next month.


What are you looking at?

What are you looking at?

Yap yap yap!!

Once back from tooling around I got a chance to get some pics of Jack chasing Poppyseed around the room.

Now where did....



Josh said...

It is VERY impressive that he identified the method of locking the gate! That show's fine cognitive development!!!

That little guy is gonna be a bright one!

Beth said...

Most babies are afraid of vaccums because of the loud noise. Jack, however, enjoys getting his hands on one. What an awesome baby!

Rosemary said...

He's really got the walking thing down, doesn't he?

realist said...

He LOVED the vacuum, loved it. He was totally fascinated and we were letting him hold onto it for a bit.

It was very interesting how interested he was. He was also interested in the telephone answering machine. He watched me check the messages then walked over and checked them himself.

Jack is very smart and extremely observant. I am so delighted with him.

Grandma Tish