Sunday, December 23, 2007

"Christmas" in East Lansing

For the place settings on the table, Debbie initially asked me to find the "meanings" behind our individual names. 70% of them had something to do with Yaweh and two had to do with Bees. She then asked me to draw little pictures, like I used to do, of all the people at the dinner. So I did. Here are a few of them.
Jack as Charlie Brown. Felt right since we have had that Christmas special on a loop for a few weeks.

Our absent family member as an elf.

Me, as the Grinch. Stop laughing.

Debbie as a Tomte, which is Scandinavian.

A sideways glance at Mrs.Claus, I don't think I need to say who this is for.

And Dad as the Scandinavian traditional Yule Goat

1 comment:

Beth said...

Enjoyed the drawings! Melissa looks like a ghost in one of the photos.