Thursday, September 20, 2007


Couple of sets of pics from today. The first set, in the crib, was taken before we set out to drive around this morning. I was sitting in Jack's room, putting on my shoes and tying them up when I saw him looking at me between the bars of his crib. I thought it was a great image to capture so I grabbed the trusty Nikon.
The second set, on the floor, was taken during the afternoon. I don't know why exactly I took them but I thought I saw something, grabbed the camera and plopped onto the floor. I will say that Jack is enthralled with our cats, Toffee in general. Some of the later photos were taken with Toffee walking around me, near Jack then off into the distance.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Jack, you are absolutely wonderful! The crib pictures are priceless.