Saturday, September 22, 2007

Notre Dame

As I mentioned in a previous post today was that annual Michican State vs. Notre Dame football game. I was at last year's game, a tremendous game until the rain stopped in the third and MSU choked like the '78 Red Sox. I couldn't speak for a week, due to my whooping and hollering in the cold, cold rain.
Today was different. Notre Dame is very publicly winless while MSU came into the game undefeated. After a slow start State adjusted as they needed to at the half and pulled ahead to win 31-14. As I mentioned before Dad and Bob came up to fish, got shot down in that goal but they did succeed in watching the game in HD over at out house. The catch? Dad had to provide food from the Home Grown Organic Eatery, which he did. The food was great, we may even get breakfast there in the morning.
Now the opportunity to watch the game allowed for us to outfit Jack in the MSU gear we got him when I was last in Lansing. These are a few of the images of Jack in his outfit.

We noticed that the tail of the chipmunk I had buried that afternoon had somehow poked through the ground and up to the surface. Zombie chipmunk?


Beth said...

Jack is the cutest Spartan ever! His outfit is great, especially the matching cap and socks.

Rosemary said...

You look good. Have you been working out? You look like you lost some weight.