Friday, July 6, 2007

George Follow-Up....

Shortly after posting about my lineage I got this email from Dad:

"My mothers brother ALEX (youngest child) died in the spring of 1945 in Germany - he was in the infantry (cavalry) , US Army, and died just before the war ended. It is her half brothers (as her father was a polish stud) Rudolph and Marion who are buried (behind!) the mausoleum, and they were WWII veterans. ALEX is in the mausoleum.
Dad was in France, Germany and Belgium, for sure. European theatre - he was a master sergeant in the US Army, and was a quartermaster (? full time) . A quartermaster is : army officer: an army officer responsible for providing soldiers with food, clothing, equipment, and living quarters. I have receipts he issued - seems like, while he was a mechanic, he served as quartermaster for liquor supplies! He told mom a story about going to visit his brother Hank, who was stationed south of him in Germany - he had not seen Hank in years, and Hank had grown to ? 6'5" ! Well dad (Geo) got lost in the Black Forest, and apparently was afraid for his life. He obviously survived, and was shocked to see his younger brother so tall (Dad was about 5'11"). Never really thought that my dad had been "scared" in his life. In the photos you posted my dad was 62 years old and I was 26 - I clearly had much less hair then than you do now, so that is hopeful-good information for you."

When I come across more of this stuff I will post them on my other blog,

1 comment:

.............. said...

I think it's hilarious that Dad made the comment about having less hair than you because that's EXACTLY what I was thinking when I was looking at the pictures.