Saturday, July 28, 2007

Cherry Street Market

Last weekend in the midst of Harry Potter fever(I had pre-ordered it and got progressively more uptight until UPS delivered it at 10.30am) we went to Debbie's folks' house in Lovells. I hadn't been there since we had Jack. It has always been a very peaceful place for me. It still was but it was different, due to Jack. This is fine but I guess I didn't know what to expect!
On the very outskirts of Kalkaska there is a wonderful little place called the Cherry Street Market. Debbie's folks and other family members tend to stop there on the way to see us as it a pretty great place to buy produce.
So on our way to Lovells we stopped and I grabbed some pics before feeling like I was ccalling attention to myself and decided to stop.

1 comment:

Rosemary said...

Nice fruits! Speaking of which, I went to Spiral for the first time in my life on Saturday night. It was fun, particularly after midnight when the servers were walking around in their briefs.