Sunday, January 13, 2008

Saturday Shenanigans

Yesterday it was kids day! Debbie and I got JAck ready and went to visit our friends Todd and Wendy down in Empire. Coming along with us were Richard and Melissa and their son Gaelen. Once in Empire our babies co-mingled, I shot some video before the menfolk went for a long, manly hike on the snow covered shores of Lake Michigan while the womenfolk stayed behind. Once could speculate what they were discussing in our absence but it was either babies or the law. Sizzling stuff.


.............. said...
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.............. said...

the non-youtube videos are clearer and less choppy (the youtube ones didn't seem that bad when I didn't have anything to compare them to) and the sound is better as well. Maybe they're better just because they're smaller? I'm not sure..

.............. said...

I know this is the billionth time I've commented but is Jack on some sort of scooter?!?

Beth said...

Melissa, they are called ride-ons (four wheels). Debbie told me that Jack has taken a couple of steps aleady. He will be an early walker. It is so cute when the babies get together.