Monday, January 28, 2008


In some ways this has nothing to do with JAck, but in some ways it does. Some of you may know where I chose the first name for Jack. Some of you don't.
I am a fan of Jackson Pollock. And today is Jackson Pollock's birthday. He was born today in 1912.

This second video is where I really took my Pollock obsession to a higher level. When I went to New York in 1999 for a friend's wedding Dad and I went to the Met, and in the gift shop was the gallery book of Pollock's works, the book that accompanied the exhibit at the Moma which had just closed. Never did make it to the MOma, but when I got home I began to order the other books that the Moma had put out in conjunction with the exhibit, as well at the biography of Pollock, from the then Schuler Books.

When Jack is older I feel like I have to take him to the MOMA. I'd love to go out to see the Pollock house too, but that is on the tip of Long Island. One day maybe.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

There is something familiar about this photo....

Linda Blair & the Loch Ness Monster

Yeah yeah yeah I know I put the blog on hiatus. I got some great pics tho, so I thought it best to post them in spite of my hiatus.
I titled this post the way that I did for two reasons.
The first is an homage to the Exorcist as in these photos we can all see Jack's lunch yesterday, which was Peas & Brown Rice. If you don't know what I'm talking about, well, rent the Exorcist and watch. Better yet goto my Dad, the man owns something like three copies of the film.
The next part of the title is in reference to Jack's top teeth. Those bottom teeth were hard enough to get a photo of, now four of his top teeth are coming in and they are ten times harder to get a picture of.
And yet I managed to get pics of the teeth due to a clever camera angle.
Click and take a closer look if you don't believe me, but they are in there.

Jack has five aunts.

This is his imitation of his father.

I don't know if he dislodged anything, but if he did how could I tell due to the color of his food?

Monday, January 21, 2008


For the time being.....

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Grandpa in the Great White North

My Dad drove up for a quick trip, he left this morning, and it was a nice time to hang out, work on some babyproofing and just generally relax. And in relaxing we captured the fun on camera.

Whatever inappropriate thing Debbie must have said before this photo I obviously agreed!

Yes papa, phrenology is the wave of the future.

So you're telling me that both of my grandfathers are bald? And that means what again?


This is how you can feel after eating at the best kept secret in Traverse City.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

A Day at the Museum, hour anyway

Very busy today for me today. I had school stuff to do and I just felt like there was a bunch of other things going on that really partitioned up the day and made it hard to concentrate on anything for any real length of time.
In the midst of this Debbie asked me to take Jack out for a walk. The weather is supposed to take a real turn towards the frigid this weekend (highs in the 10s, lows in the 0s) and this morning the weather was in the mid30s/high 20s.
I got Jack wrapped up in warm clothes; he wore a sweater, I pulled a 24 month of pants as a sort of snowpants, gloves and such we set out.
Instead of walking around the block I decided to make an mini-event out of this so we turned right from our front door instead of left and ended up at the Dennos Museum.
One of the new exhibits at the museum is not ready yet, it opens on the 20th. So I got in for two dollars, Jack got in for free and it was just us in there.

Here we are, outside of the museum, facing Munson ave. The scuplture looked cool with the snow so I took some pics.