These photos were on the memory stick in the HD camcorder that I pulled the pics from the previous post from. They are from May of this year, when Jack was two weeks old. Seems like ancient history now.
I snapped these pics on the HD video camera I borrowed from my dad last time I was in Lansing. Problem is, I didn't bring the power plug so one battery is dead and the other is fading away. So while I didn't shoot any video of this event I did snap a few pics. And here they are.
I just wanted to post a little reminder to anyone and everyone that reads this blog and has seen, first hand, how slow I have been in posting to the site. In the address bar there should be a little RSS icon, which allows for you to subscribe to this blog and see when it has been updated. So as I have been so very slow in putting up the newest, flashiest photos of my boy you can click on that and not worry about when I get stuff posted.
Dad and his fishing buddy Bob came up as we left Lansing on the 19th. Every August they hit up the Sunset Valley Resort in Arcadia, a fine little place that I first stayed at in 2002 in the aftermath of our family's terrible summer. In the past, when I had the bookstore job, I would take my week's worth of vacation and head up there to hang out, maybe get a little fishing done. Well the weather wasn't great all week and a combination of a flat tire and possibly water gas led Dad and Bob to pull anchor and head downstate Saturday morning. Being that the room was paid thru Sunday we drove to Frankfort first, to pick up some food, before rolling down to Arcadia where we caught the sunset. Sunday we packed up, took our time, and rolled out. I have a few more pics to post from the drive back, so stay posted.
This morning we are in Lansing, to walk in a 5K for the Origami Head Trauma Rehabilitation Clinic 5K in Mason. Origami is the place where we took my brother in 2002 to get back on the track to being the productive guy he is now. His testimonial(now slightly out of date) is on their website and it is a place that I always wanted to do something to help out with. By that I mean I think that they do great work and I always thought that due to its importance in our lives. Josh was there staying for three weeks and then he continued to do out-patient stuff. It was the last place that I thought about having a cigarette, when he was being checked in I wandered out onto a bench and put one in my mouth. But it started to rain and I went back inside. The place did great work but it always was a tough place for me to visit, and I haven't been back there since 2002.