Got out of here at about 1.10, dropped something off at the NMC HR office and then tea'd up and headed into the studio.
I would rate it a success, he slept, dirtied two diapers and behaved very nicely. No freak outs or anything like that. I brought the camera along and took a few pics.
As I record all my shows when I got home I listened and heard him as I had him on-mic for a few of the times I spoke. The last time he went to sleep happened while I was playing a song written and performed by Dr.Jack Kevorkian. Really.
I wrote to Dr. K. the day he got out of prison and yesterday I got a nice response from the woman who handles all his mail for him. He has his keyboard out of storage.
Jack really does get cuter by the day. These are some of my favorite photos.
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