Ahh...my iPhoto library grows and grows.
Tonight was the usual routine, the walk before the bath and the laying in the crib. Y'see we have found that a walk and a bath lead to Jack going to bed, I believe the first night we did this routine Jack slept through it all. Now we head out at 8pm most nights, getting back around 8.30 or earlier. We give him a bath and then Debbie feeds him and lays him down, awake, to fall asleep. With this routine he sleeps until about 7.15am. So that is a nice long evening of sleep!
Back to the walk here. Tonight instead of walking down to the bay and back I detoured us onto the campus. Here is what we saw....



a statue dedicated to volunteers...

Outside of the Health & Science Building these two teenaged kids, a male and female, stopped us and asked us if we could take a survey. Debbie said sure. They broke out this stack of numbered photo cards. Debbie asked what the survey was on and they kind of hemmed a bit and then said that it would be of a spiritual nature. So it ended up taking longer than we expected and Jack started fussing(he later calmed down) and so we pulled up short. The first question was what three photos we liked, the next question was why? My three were of a silverware holder that I own, a mountain scene with a lake and then a pathway with orange leaves on the ground. I chose those, I told them, because I own the silverware thing, i have been to a mountain lake and i have seen leaves on the ground. As we were leaving I told the guy that my answers for all the questions was the silverware picture! All the while Debbie looked at the pics(I whipped through them) I was taking pics of Jack, who was chomping on his finger. I quietly snapped a pic of Debbie from below, looking up through the plastic shield in the stroller. She saw the pic and objected to it, so I changed it a bit.