Wednesday, August 6, 2008

State of the Blog Address

Well folks after fifteen months, 339 posts and who knows how many photos and videos this blog has run out of room to grow.
As you may have noticed from the previous post when I tried to upload photos today I found out that the critical mass I have been worried about seemingly forever has been reached.
Now this was something that I was prepared for but due to school work my complete attempts at shifting this site have not come to pass.
In any case there is a whole new blog out there, on the right hand toolbar on this site, that you can go to for all your Jack wants and needs.
For now the site is called Picture Book, with a web address of

Check it out, there are already posts from some of our travels today.

This blog will stay alive, like the Voyager satellites, floating in space for the foreseeable future.

I can't believe that this site has been been on-line and running since early April 2007.
I can't believe that it turned out to be as popular amongst our group as it has and I can't believe we filled it to the brim.

Someone once sang that All Things Must Pass. So to then has this blog passed, but it will continue to remain here for you all to look at from time to time.

One more time here is that site address again:

See you down the road

1 comment:

.............. said...

I decided to visit the old blog today and I'm really loving all the foreign spam. HA!