Thursday, July 3, 2008

Living in War

This has little to do with Jack, but every other year at the dying on the vine Cherry Festival the Blue Angels come to town.
Two years ago they showed up while I was in class, seeing shadows on a sunny day as the planes buzzed low over the ground.
The cats all hid under the couch, this was an unexpected side effect to the location of our new home, right on the base of the peninsula which has water on two sides, which is where the planes practice. Couple this with our closeness to the airport and you have one heckuva occasional noise.
Jack is asleep right now, hopefully for another 45 minutes and the noise has yet to wake him up. The kid is a heavy sleeper, like his old man!
We will be going to see the Blue Angels this weekend with the in-laws and I will post a photo or two of the event.
I tried to shoot some video, but it didn't turn out as well as one would hope, but I will try to take my HD camcorder along for the event.
In the meantime here is the video that I shot, I hope that it captures just what we are hearing here.

(There is an error with uploading the video, please check back to see if I can get this doggone thing to work right)

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