Sunday, February 17, 2008


Last month a monster movie was released entitled Cloverfield. I am bringing this to the attention of you three blog readers because when you see these next few videos you need to understand this fact about the aforementioned film: it is shot in a style that is very shaky.
I bring this up because in these next few tips I pretty much just handed Jack the Flip Video camera and let him mess with it. When he started to pull it towards his mouth I took it from him.
These videos are probably more novelty than fine art, but I found them fun and I decide so here they are.


Beth said...

Very cool footage, Jack! Thanks for showing us your toys and the brief glimpses of yourself, your Dad and your Mom. You are cuter than ever!

Unknown said...

Jack is so smart and here I see his budding future as an Indy filmmaker. Such interesting perspective and enthusiasm for his subject matter.

Jack, don't forget what the spider said to the fly!

I miss your smiling face! I hope you are feeling all better today.

Grandma Tish