Friday, November 30, 2007

The Other Hockey Videos

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Friday, November 23, 2007

MSU Hockey

While I admit to being disappointed that the museums that I had planned on going to with Jack while in Lansing the trip was not a total loss as we took Jack to the MSU/Minnesota hockey game.
This had been in the works for some time, Dad had been scoping out where to sit for months. Well when we showed up this guy who always sits in those seats was already sitting there.
We got our old school seats, near the pressbox for those who have been to the games with me at one time or another, and it turned out to be a lateral move.
Jack was great, no trouble at all. He spent his time people watching and watching the game.
I will admit that we left around 8pm, having arrived at 6pm we thought that two hours there was plenty. When we left Minnesota was leading MSU 1-0, as we drove home MSU scored and then Minnesota scored.

Pre-Game Nap

More Crib Wackiness

These were taken upstairs, in the guest bedroom, where we have been camping out.
Similar series as the previous day's, but in these I like the contrast with Jack in the red and the white of the crib.
I shot another series along these lines but they turned out too dark. No such worries here. I don't know where the hand gestures have come from, be it talk to the hand or you can't see me. Looks cool tho.


Crib + Window + Camera = Cute Pictures

When we first would bring Jack downstate my Mom bought a Pack & Play, which is basically a playpen that you can fold up, toss into the car and go about on your merry way. Ours is big and red and can be seen throughout the rest of this blog; the one that Mom initially got(she later got one identical to ours at home) has wheels and is slightly grayish green.
During our recent trip Mom set it up in the living room, facing out the window.
As some of you may know Jack is now able to pull himself up, he does is in his crib and in his pack and play. So when I came into the room and saw him looking out the window I grabbed the camera with the extreme wide angle lens and took these shots.