Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Down In The Park

Memorial Day Nap

Yesterday, Memorial Day, was relatively uneventful. Jack barely slept thru the day but he did get a nice 1 hour, 45 minute nap on my chest. I laid down, Debbie gave him to me and he got some tummy time and a nice nap.
These pics were taken while I was watching Styx in HD with some high school symphonic band. Those guys look TERRIBLE in HD, like thawed chicken. It was almost as bad as seeing Sammy Hagar on HD and then hearing him lead his band, which did include Michael Anthony, in a wretch-inducing version of Fight(For Your Right To Party).

In this one I am actually asleep...

Jack and Nico

You are my sunshine/
My only sunshine/
You make me happy/
Vennn skies are grey...

A few more from Sunday...

Smiley Smile

Rollover Beethoven

Here are some pictures from Min's camera yesterday after Josh left. If you notice the last two photos something very interesting happened yesterday. Jack rolled himself over.
I don't really know how he did it, I wasn't really watching, too busy trying to get the camera out but Min was there and at the ready and she captured Jack in mid-roll.
THe other pics are cute, I like the one of Toffee trying to get into the drawer where we keep gum

Monday, May 28, 2007

Picture Update

Hello y'all...just to let you know that I am sifting through what feels like a mountain of photos on the computer that I have to size down to get onto this site without worry. So if this page falls sorta silent the next day or two that it is what the deal is.
I am sure that I will get this all taken care of sooner rather than later but don't worry, I am just behind in things.

Some pics from Josh - Warning*Wackiness*

Today has been a day that has felt longer than I had imagined. Joel and Melissa left this morning and it feels like they left yesterday, when it was really only this morning.
Anyhoo I got my hands on some of these pictures that Josh took when he left yesterday afternoon. There is one in there of Josh holding Jack(notice his handme down and now possibly stolen WNMC shirt).
Again these are sorta wacky...

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Pics from Josh's Camera

Here are some of the pics Josh and Alison took this afternoon when they first met Jack.